演员: Alberto

  • 无冕之王

    Back in the mid 1900's Mexico was proud to have more world boxing champions in the small categories, than any other Country. Boxing was perhaps one of the few opportunities where a typical low income Mexican(75% of the population)could have success in life. Kids started boxing in their ghettos, a few of them made it to the Pro's and an even fewer amount got to be famous and earn good money from it. Those that got to the top soon found out that suddenly they had a great amount of people that surrounded them and helped them spend their money. But immersed in their new life styles they could never leave their origins and find a better future for them. This is what "Campeon sin Corona" tries to convey; a boxer that even when he has succeeded can not live up to his new status and prefers to be the same loser he was in his earlier years. There may not be in the Mexican Movies Industry a picture that better displays the way of thinking and acting of the vast majority of Mexicans of the 20th Century.

  • 红色黎明


  • 罗马,不设防的城市

      1944年,罗马,被纳粹侵占下伤痕累累的大街。德军肆无忌惮的搜捕着保卫家园的游击队,意大利地下反抗组织领袖、工程师乔治·曼菲蒂(马塞罗·巴格利埃罗 Marcello Pagliero 饰)遭到德军追缉。危急中,曼菲蒂逃往朋友弗朗西斯科家中暂避,在弗朗西斯科的未婚妻碧娜(安娜·玛妮雅妮 Anna Magnani 饰)的帮助下,曼菲蒂见到了唐·彼得罗神父(阿尔多·伯立兹 Aldo Fabrizi 饰),并请神父将一笔巨款交给游击队。弗兰西斯科为了掩护曼菲蒂而被捕,碧娜也中弹身亡。然而绝处逢生的曼菲蒂被女友告密,曼菲蒂和神父被捕入狱。纳粹故意在神父面前严刑拷打曼菲蒂,两人最终在敌人的酷刑和枪弹下英勇牺牲。

  • 马钱
