类型: 纪录

  • 这不是一部电影


  • 玛丽·布莱姬:我的真实人生

    A look at the life and work of Grammy-winning artist Mary J. Blige.

  • 月之阴影


  • 爱莉安娜·格兰德:嗨,我爱你


  • 海洋


  • 盗走班克斯

    In 2007 Banksy goes to Palestine to paint on walls. Someone takes offense at a piece depicting an Israeli soldier checking a donkey's ID. A local taxi driver decides to cut it off and sell it back to the West. This is the story of the Palestinian perspective and reaction to street art through the work of its most celebrated hero. The story of an illegal black market of art stolen from streets around the world, cultures clashing in the face of an unsustainable political situation and finally of the changing perception on street art. It is not one story, but many. Like Banksy's art would be meaningless without its context, so the absence of it would be meaningless without an understanding of the elements that brought his artwork from Bethlehem to a Western auction house, along with the wall it was painted on.

  • 牡蛎工场

    正对濑户内海的冈山县牛窓市,虽然隶属于濑户内市,不过却被称为“日本的爱琴海”,此外《万叶集》中诗人柿本人麻吕对它的吟咏歌颂也让这座小城镇自古以来就为世人所熟知。靠海吃海的冈山县是日本境内仅次于广岛的牡蛎产地,当地人世代从事牡蛎的养殖工作。但是随着人口过疏化和老龄化问题的日益严重,从前牛窓市内的20所牡蛎加工厂已经锐减到6所了。为了缓解劳动力短缺的现状,这些工厂近些年开始接收来自中国的工人。受东日本大地震影响,原本在宫城县南三陆町世代经营牡蛎工厂的渡边先生不得不搬到牛窓,重新白手起家。他的工厂招进了两名中国人,语言、生活习俗的差异让彼此都感到艰难。附近的工厂里,则有中国工人一去不返的情况出现。举步维艰的牡蛎工厂,是否能够延续下去? 本片是导演想田和弘“观察映画”系列的第六部。

  • 资本主义的极限挑战

    Melting glaciers, gullied seas, the financial markets are about to collapse. Spectacular images of h...

  • 马大夫的诊所

    “对西部乡村局部人文和自然生态细腻温暖绵长的记录,有力量的影象志” 《马大夫的诊所》 作者: 丛峰 片长: 210分钟拍摄: 2007 作者简历: 1995年 毕业于南京大学 2002年 出版诗集《那里有一列我看不见的火车》 2002年 参加平遥国际摄影节单元展 2005年 开始拍摄纪录片 作品年表: 《信仰》(2006) 《持遥控器的人》(2007) 《马大夫的诊所》(2007) 影片简介: 甘肃省古浪县黄羊川镇,这里干旱少雨,自然条件恶劣。 马秉成是当地一位受人尊敬的乡村医生。由于医术高超,他狭小的私人诊所里,每天都有很多前来求医的普通农民。 等待看病或抓药时,人们时常谈起各种各样的事情。春天,种完田准备外出打工的人们,临走前到诊所来看病抓药,有年轻人,甚至还有老太太;几名妇女谈论起一个外出打工失踪了十年的人;由于早年在小煤窑的长期劳动, 一位老汉患上了严重的矽肺病,他回忆起那一代人的遭遇,他是挖过煤的人中活得最长的;谁家买来的媳妇儿跑了,这是人们经常谈论的话题;一些外出打工的人由于身体承受不住,又被迫回来看病。 生老病死,如同季节更替。马大夫,诊所的主人,周而复始地接待着一批批不同或相同的病人…… 导演手记: 甘肃黄羊川如同中国的一个缩微模型,这里是一个本质上相当封闭,却又不断被外部力量所改变的地方。人们来到诊所的目的是解除肉体痛苦,然而,他们却在有意无意地谈话中,透露了痛苦的根源——精神上的。在这个意义上,这个诊所具有了双重功用:医治疾病的空间/闲谈、抒发苦闷、交流体验的社交场所。马大夫医治病人的肉体痛苦,我则记录下了他们对于生活的抱怨、愤怒或感叹。我要感谢马大夫,是他使我得以分享这个空间。 ——关于片名《甘肃的意大利》 丛峰:这是个戏仿的说法。当地人说“一起”是yidaling,有人出去打工,别人问,你哪里人。那人说,我***人。又问旁边的,说,我yidaling。别人惶恐,你意大利人? ——关于拍摄的来龙去脉 丛峰:2000年开始去这个地方,也住过一段。2005年去拍了10天,2006年又去,这次时间比较长,跟当地人也都成了朋友,很多人的家里都是常去的。07年春节又去了一趟,拍出外打工回来的人。前前后后拍了100多小时的素材。 ——为什么选取这个地方? 丛峰:跟我个人关系比较大。从2000年开始,经常去那里。而且觉得浓缩了中国农村社会。当地人的价值观等等还留在过去。 ——其他的拍摄计划? 丛峰:我会在当地再继续拍下去,有一个计划是当地人聚会和喝酒;另外一个是,当地因为一个扶贫项目建了一座五星酒店,下一部片子会跟它有关。 ——当初拍摄是想给谁看的?电影节? 丛峰:当初拍这个片子也是想能帮帮当地老乡。跟马大夫成了朋友,他的生活很有意思,每天就是看病,聊天,晚上喝酒。如果有收益,也想支持一下他。 ——巨大的信息量,也很有分量。片子很难得,没有拔高,也没有把当地写得很惨,但在结尾葬礼和中间流露了很多的个人情感。建议如果面对100小时的素材请三个与当地毫无关系的人剪辑出一个平行世界的版本,可能会很有趣。

  • 满目疮痍的革命:乌戈查韦斯的故事

    When Hugo Chávez stormed to power in Venezuela in 1998 he promised to transform the lives of the poor. But now 20 years on, 90 percent of families in Venezuela say they do not have enough to eat - and the United Nations predicts that over five million people will have fled the country by the end of 2019.
                                     Chávez was at the helm of the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and set about spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth. Around the world he was hailed as a new hope for Socialism by some politicians.
                                     A precursor to many of today’s populist leaders, Chávez bypassed traditional media and spoke directly to the people through his weekly live TV show. Told by many of those who knew him, this is the story of incredible short-term achievements in health and education, but also of the tragic legacy of his idealism, populism and ruthless pursuit of absolute power.
                                     With populist movements increasingly taking power in countries around the world, it’s a story that's now more relevant than ever.
                                     Part of BBC Two’s award-wining This World strand.

  • 震撼世界的印第安人

    This revelatory documentary brings to light the profound and overlooked influence of Indigenous people on popular music in North America. Focusing on music icons like Link Wray, Jimi Hendrix, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Charley Patton, Mildred Bailey, Jesse Ed Davis, Robbie Robertson, and Randy Castillo, Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World shows how these pioneering Native American musicians helped shape the soundtracks of our lives.

  • 震荡学说

    根据纳奥米·克莱恩 (Naomi Klein)的同名著作拍摄而成,深入挖掘出美英等国如何通过推行新自由主义经济政策,来利用自然灾害、战争和恐怖主义建立其资本主义的霸主地位。 纳奥米·克莱恩以美国中情局的[休克疗法]为比喻,批判弗里德曼及芝加哥学派领军的自由市场经济狂热信徒,其 手段与目的就如同上述心理实验。这些人近四十年来趁著天灾人祸的“大好机会”,在世界各地发动经济[休克疗法],不论是智利政变、金融风暴,还是9/11恐怖攻击、伊拉克战争、南亚海啸、卡特里娜飓风,皆成为他们推动「休克主义」的绝佳舞台。 自由市场鼓吹者不断散播的思想之一,是经济开放可以促成政治民主。然而克莱恩细究数十年来全球各地的状况,实情却是市场经济常不惜镇压民主,以激烈手段彻底实行自由市场及私有化政策,带来的不是”短期阵痛“后富裕的新世界,而是广大民众的悲惨处境。

  • 艾格妮捡风景:两年后


  • 阿克曼自画像

    When asked to participate in the Cinema, of Our Time series, Chantal Akerman jokingly suggested herself as subject matter. She envisioned a film consisting solely of excerpts from her films, but when pressed by the producers to include footage of herself, Akerman grudgingly agreed, and divided the film into two parts. The first part opens with Akerman in her apartment, reading from a text directly to the camera, describing the problems she encountered making this film. What emerges from this mise-en-scene is a funny, often personal, and always thoughtful confession from this extremely perceptive filmmaker. Part two lets Akerman's films speak for her, taking clips from her extensive filmography and linking them anonymously until they form a new film. There are scenes from JEANNE DIELMAN, her best-known film, but also glimpses of several other works - forays into experimental film, comedic shorts, musicals, narrative features - including an early short that stars a very young Chantal.

  • 阿拉亚

    《阿拉亚》是委内瑞拉传奇女导演玛戈·贝纳塞拉芙唯一一部纪录长片,它在拉美影史上占有相当重要的位置,是委内瑞拉民主后第一部获得国际声誉的电影,当年在嘎纳它与阿伦·雷奈的《广岛之恋》共同分享了国际评论家奖,也都获金棕榈提名却最终未果,尽管名气不如《广岛之恋》和《黑人奥菲尔》那么大,但在专业人士眼中此片一直都是研究拉美女性电影所必修的经典,影片出色的摄影时常被人们所赞美,是与卡拉托佐夫的《我是古巴》齐名的诗意电影杰作,法国著名导演让·雷诺阿在看过影片后称赞《阿拉亚》是他所见过最完美的纪录片之一。贝纳塞拉芙就像是委内瑞拉影坛的特吕弗和亨利·朗格鲁瓦,她不仅是第一位毕业于巴黎电影学院(IDHEC)的拉美导演,而且在1966年创办了委内瑞拉电影资料馆,虽然由于资金短缺问题,她个人的导演生涯并不顺利,作品也很少,但却为新委内瑞拉电影的发展成立基金会,并曾获得世界各国的无数荣誉和勋章。 转自AUESS的博客资料(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_497f6a250100cxm0.html) Shown at Cannes in 1959, the year after Venezuela's last dictator Marcos Perez-Jimenez was overthrown, the documentary inadvertently highlights the kind of exploitation of the poor that can lead to rebellion. While the dictator escaped to Miami with $13 million, salt workers were piling up mounds of salt on the flat sands, making barely enough money to keep them in arepas and black beans. Between the hot, tropical climate and the sores on their feet, the job these workers do every day is excruciating. Yet the lives of the fishermen and salt workers in this documentary are shown in the context of planned, upscale development, something of a disservice to the larger picture. With not much making a great impression thus far at the Berlinale, Margot Benacerraf's lovely documentary Araya comes as a breath of fresh air from 1959. Reminiscent of Agnes Varda's debut film La Pointe-courte (1954) in its artful but somewhat ambivilant attitude towards filming a local community and their work clearly admired by the filmmakers, Benacerraf's film focuses on the inhabitants of Araya, a desolate area in Venezuela subsiding through a long history on the wealth of its great salt marshes. Araya was originally compared to Flaherty's Man of Aran, Visconti's La Terra Trema (1947) and Rossellini's India (1957). Margot Benacerraf has described the film as "a cinematic narration based on script writing rather than a spontaneous action, a feature documentary, the opposite of Italian neorealism".

  • 流浪的石头

    Gunmaker, an indie rock singer, whose musical partner died a year ago. He throws his whole being into touring, howling for freedom in a contemporary society rife with contradictions—all the while under surveillance by the authorities.

  • 拥有,新中国农民战争:修辞学的正义


  • 越南家书


  • 李润福的日记

    製作・監督・脚本: 大島渚
                                     原作: イ・ユンボギ
                                     脚本: 大島渚
                                     撮影: 川又昂
                                     編集: 浦岡敬一
                                     音楽: 内藤孝敏
                                     語り手: 小松方正

  • 黎明墙

    纪录片《黎明墙》(The Dawn Wall)首曝预告,讲述两名男子徒手征服“世界最难攀登绝壁”黎明墙的经历,热血沸腾鼓舞人心[并不简单] 2015年1月,Tommy Caldwell和Kevin Jorgeson开始攀登,两人在陡峭的垂直悬崖上生活了数周,引发了全球媒体的狂热关注。对Caldwell来说,这不仅仅是一次攀登,也是证明自己的强大之处的机会:22岁时,Caldwell被吉尔吉斯斯坦叛军挟持为人质,不久后他在一次事故中失去食指。两人耗时将近20天,成功登顶加利福利亚约塞米蒂国家公园的埃尔卡皮坦山,创下了徒手攀上黎明墙的世界纪录。 在此之前,两人花费了6年的时间规划路线,于2010和2011年两次尝试攀爬,均以失败告终。1958年首次有人征服黎明墙,目前约有100多条攀登路线,但从未有人徒手登顶。奥巴马也曾在两人成功后表示祝贺,称“一切皆有可能”。 该片由Josh Lowell&Peter Mortimer执导,将于3月11日在西南偏南电影节首映。

  • 莱翁·马齐的船在默兹河上的初次航行

    Léon Masy sets off on board the boat that he built in his garage in Seraing to discover the activist's future. As he sails down the Meuse through today's landscape of old factories, he returns to the scene of a strike: that of 1960 when, for the last time, the lights of a rebellious region were reflected in the river's waters and when, also for the last time, he believed that his utopian dream would become a reality! Between the activist of twenty years earlier and his quest for a future, the boat's journey begins. A voyage between past and future: will he find his destination in the images of the activist of 1960?

  • 雪藏希望:待日重生

    2014年,一名2岁的泰国女孩Einz被诊断为脑癌,经过十余次的手术治疗却仍无法挽救这年轻的小生命,Einz的父母均为医疗工程博士,他们决定在女儿离世后对其身体组织进行冷冻,她的遗体被保存在美国亚利桑那州的一个实验室中,他们希望未来的科技可将她复活。本片跟随拍摄了Einz 的家庭——她的父亲、母亲及哥哥是如何作出这个不寻常的决定的,这一举动也遭到了泰国甚至世界范围的讨论,但是Einz父亲还是希望给女儿留下这个生存的机会,而Einz哥哥也因妹妹的离别受到触动,投身于科学学习,希望在未来这项新兴的冷冻技术会有更深入的研究成果。

  • 来自昏暗国度的回声


  • 刺杀希特勒

    A drama-documentary about Operation Foxley, a 1944 British plan to assassinate Adolf [email protected]

  • 来自深处的钟声

    电影《来自深处的钟声》是一部有关俄罗斯西伯利亚宗教的纪录片,电影前半部分通过一位耶稣装扮的人和心理治疗师的布道表现对神和信仰的选择,后半部分讲到了陷落的科特兹城(the lost city of Kitezh),讲的是蒙古人的军队攻来时市民祈求上帝的庇护,上帝听到他们的祈祷后,把城市置入湖中,但人们相信城市依然存在,听见来自湖底深处的钟声。而这里,逐渐这也成为了俄罗斯精神的存在。

  • 街头浪子

    Portrays the lives of nine desperate teenagers. Thrown too young into a seedy grown up world, these runaways and castaways survive, but just barely. Rat, the dumpster diver. Tiny, the teen prostitute. Shellie, the baby-faced blonde. DeWayne, the hustler. All old beyond their years. All underage survivors fighting for life and love on the streets of downtown Seattle.

  • 脊柱医生


  • 见怪不怪


  • 电影万岁

    本片导演马克马巴夫计划拍摄一部关于电影百年的片子,需要雇用100名临时演员,他登了一个报纸广告. 然而当数以百计人们出现的时候,场面失控,临时他改变了注意。用摄影机记录下那些应聘者的陈述和想法,真实展露了伊朗社会各阶层的风貌。

  • 雕像也会死亡

    《雕像也会死亡》(Les statues meurent aussi,阿兰·雷乃、克里斯·马尔凯,1953年出品,27分钟)尖锐地批评了西方殖民主义对非洲传统艺术的戕害以及自称热爱非洲艺术的上等阶层的贪婪与伪善。本片的主角是来自黑非洲的人物雕像、面具和其他非洲艺术品,但是它们的演出场所并非黑人的故乡,而是白人的欧洲,艺术品市场和艺术品拍卖会是它们频频出没和滞留的中转地。这些本来被非洲部族用来抵抗死亡的面具和雕像,如今却呆在博物馆的橱窗里静静地死去。此时,画外音告诉我们:“当人死去的时候,他便进入了历史;当这些雕像死去的时候,它们进入了艺术;这种关于死亡的学问,我们最后称之为文化。”由于本片具有鲜明而强烈的社会批判意识,自拍竣之日起即遭到法国政府禁映,直到1963年才解禁。本片由长于剪辑的阿兰·雷乃操刀剪辑,由强于写作的克里斯·马尔凯撰写解说,充分发挥了两人各自的强项,可谓强强合作的结晶。 This collaborative film, banned for more than a decade by French censors as an attack on French colonialism (and now available only in shortened form), is a deeply felt study of African art and the decline it underwent as a result of its contact with Western civilization. Marker's characteristically witty and thoughtful commentary is combined with images of a stark formal beauty in this passionate outcry against the fate of an art that was once integral to communal life but became debased as it fell victim to the demands of another culture.

  • 机器

    To the south of the Indian metropolis of Surat in Gujarat province lies a vast industrial zone that has been growing ever since the 1960s. Director Rahul Jain filmed the grueling daily routine in just one of the many textile factories there. In the factory, man and machine seem to have fused into one being. It is dark and dank, and barely any daylight penetrates the space. The labor is heavy and mind-numbing, and the work days seem endless. We are drawn into a gloomy world where the cacophonous beat of machinery sets the rhythm of toil. Jain is as interested in the mysterious connection between worker and product (the fabrics are treated mechanically, but also with love) as he is in the degrading conditions. Each shift lasts 12 hours, for adults and children alike, and wages are extremely low. Short interviews are interspersed throughout the observational sequences, some of which are captivating in their beauty while others are painful to watch – such as when we see a boy nodding violently in his struggle to stay awake. (From IDFA official website)

  • 西蒙·里夫哥伦比亚之旅


  • 电影魔术师:奥逊·威尔斯

    威尔斯是一个罕见的多面手,广播剧、舞台剧、电影电视和广告,都干得非常好,他还懂魔术等杂七杂八的东西,这是一个深刻理解了各种媒介本质属性的艺术家,所以不管他决定干哪样,都注定将是划时代的,而电影是当时能给他提供最大空间和想象力的艺术。他的处女作《公民凯恩》被誉为是电影史上最经典的电影。 他是一个富裕之家的次子。十八个月的时候,就有心理学家宣称这是个天才,母亲教他读莎士比亚作品,从小又练习绘画、钢琴和小提琴。他还从父亲的公司里学会了魔术杂耍的本领。 电影介绍了他的成长史与其独特的内心世界。

  • 西蒙·里夫的俄罗斯之旅

    In this new three-part series, Simon Reeve travels across the world's biggest country, Russia. On th...

  • 网飞对抗全世界

    本片基于吉娜·基廷的书《网飞传奇》(Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America's Eyeballs)改编。从1997年诞生至今,Netflix的发展过程,简直就是一部跌宕起伏的商战片。这本书中,会给你一个细致入微的还原。

  • 推翻罗诉韦德案

    《Reversing Roe》讲的是美国著名罗诉韦德案。“罗诉韦德案例”给了美国妇女堕胎权,等于承认美国堕胎的合法化。

  • 直击弯心

    2015年最新MotoGP纪录片, 本片由Brad Pitt(布拉德-皮特)担任制片人,带你跟随 46号 ROSSI 罗西、 93号 Marquez 马奎斯、 99号 LORENZO 洛伦佐、 26号 Pedrosa 丹尼佩德罗萨、 58号 Simoncelli 马可西蒙切利、 27号 Casey Stoner 凯西斯通纳, 这6位世界上最快的车手,深入MotoGP比赛激烈的角逐当中, 让你全面了解世界上最具战斗气息的赛事,以及巨星背后的故事。

  • 至爱梵高:不可能之梦


  • 航向晨曦

    “横渡太平洋游艇大赛”是美国著名的海上游艇比赛项目。该比赛始于1906年,至今已经有着100多年的历史。比赛中所有参赛选手只能使用帆船等非机动船,比赛起点为洛杉矶附近的一个小岛,终点则是夏威夷岛的火奴鲁鲁火山。由于其比赛路线长,风速大,奖金高,从而吸引了众多游艇爱好者前来参赛。 本片所纪录的对象就是参加这项比赛的15名运动员。为了争夺高额的奖金,15名参赛的年轻人严格的进行着训练,6个月的时间没有一丝放松。他们勇于拼搏,坚韧执着,为了奖金更是为了战胜自我挑战极限,他们团结一致,齐心协力为了笑傲太平洋的光荣与梦想努力着。

  • 提提卡失序记事

    弗雷德里克·怀斯曼生于1930年,在耶鲁大学获得法律学位,然后在巴黎做开业律师,以后又回到美国的大学教授法律。1967年放弃律师行当、开始拍摄了第一部纪录片《提提卡蠢事》(Titicul Follie...

  • 真相背后:虚假新闻与信息的代价

    In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.

  • 自杀游客


  • 汉密尔顿的美国


  • 宋飞之前是杰瑞


  • 沟口健二:一个电影导演的生涯


  • 游泳冠军塔里斯

    Jean Vigo拍的Taris游泳教学片

  • 有我同行

    Activists around the world fight injustice and drive social change in this documentary that follows their participation in the music video Solidarité.