导演: 陈炳铨

  • 麦当娜:反叛之心巡回演唱会

    Madonna: Rebel Heart Tour spans all decades of the iconic superstar's illustrious career, including songs from Rebel Heart to classic fan favorites like "Material Girl" and "Holiday." Memorable highlights from the tour include her first-ever live concert performance of "Take a Bow," acoustic versions of "Like a Prayer," celebrity guest dancers during the song "Unapologetic Bitch" such as Katy Perry, and many more unforgettable moments.

  • 贱民20

    一個破咗產喺人生低谷嘅賤男人(王宗堯 飾),一個迷茫又渴求解脫嘅自作賤女人(吳凱欣 飾),同一個只係想委曲求存卑賤生活嘅市井男人(陳炳銓 飾),佢哋三個走埋一齊,想炸爆個公廁宣洩一下,最後反而殺死咗自...